Saturday, November 19, 2011

Relay For Life

I have started my fundraising for the 2012 Relay For Life... Cancer has touched almost everyone... It is time we all come together and find a CURE!!! My way of helping find a CURE is Relay For Life through the American Cancer Society... I have been touched by cancer from every direction... I have lost family and friends to cancer, I have an uncle right now with cancer, I have friends with cancer and friends who have won their battle with cancer... I have been the primary caregiver the last 2 years for my MIL as she fought cancer... I have met so many wonderful people on the journey through cancer... If you know or have known anyone that has or has had cancer you know the road is long and hard not just on the cancer patient but the family and friends also... If you would like to help by donating please visit my Relay For Life team page... April & Friends... Please donate... Every penny adds up and every donation goes straight to the American Cancer Society, to help find a CURE for cancer...
Together we can find and Cure!!!

If you know someone with cancer and need resources or just a shoulder to lean on just shoot me an email or leave me a comment... 
I will help in any way I can... I can say been there, walked in those shoes, learned a lot and I am still learning... I understand just needing someone that knows what it feels like and to know you ARE NOT ALONE...

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